Friday, January 9, 2009


Lest you think this blog will be a constant bombardment of heavy questions with no substantive answers, here's just a smattering of random links, etc. (Wow, how pompous did that last sentence sound?)

First, my buddy Kyle recently posted a link related to the debate over the merits of a universal health care system. The article itself is very readable and identifies a unique concern that some opponents of nationalization may echo. I really enjoyed this writing, which isn't surprising considering Kyle and I are similar in many ways...except he goes to a better school, has a girlfriend, owns a car, and has locks of spun gold.

Second, my high school classmate, good friend, and resident atheist Ryan Krause authored an interesting take on The Dark Knight, a movie about some superhero and his archnemesis that one or two of y'all may have heard a bit about. I'm not linking this because he's my friend; it's a great article that's well worth reading.

Word of the Day: Exoculate. You can probably derive the meaning from its roots (e.g. "exonerate" is "to remove the onus", or, to free from blame). Still not sure? Let's just say that it'd be a handy word to have at your disposal when watching Kill Bill Volume 2.

Finally, a deep thought: How cool would it be if Greg House were on Lost instead of Jack? Inter-network crossover for sweeps season, perhaps?

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