Friday, March 2, 2012

Quote of the Day

Aight, I admit I'm starting slowly, but slow motion's better than no motion.

Here's the quote of the day.  It comes from Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.  You may remember hearing about this guy because he's been one of the main enforcers of that unpopular Arizona anti-illegal-immigration law.  He's generated controversy in other areas as well, but that's outside the scope of this blog post.

I'm not a huge fan of talking about political issues here, because I usually find that both sides have persuasive arguments and to give each viewpoint a fair shake would result in an incredibly lengthy post that would ultimately resolve nothing.  Besides, I can't compete with the New York Times or the Chicago Tribune.  Some political issues are so ridiculous, however, that there's really no argument.  A prime example is this idiotic Birther movement that attempts to verify beyond all doubt that Barack Obama was born in the United States.  At first, there were rumblings that Obama should release his birth certificate to the public in order to prove he was born in Hawaii instead of Kenya (or Indonesia or Mars).  Remarkably, this fringe group did eventually manage to convince Obama to do so.  Unsurprisingly, this didn't satisfy the Birthers.

As you probably have reasoned out for yourself by now, Arpaio is a prominent Birther.  Today, he came out with this quote:

"A 6-month-long investigation conducted by my cold case posse has led me to believe there is probably cause to believe that President Barack Obama's long-form birth certificate ... is a computer-generated fraud."  (source)

Uhh, what?  There's cause to believe that Obama released a fraudulent birth certificate?  Are you insane?  More importantly, though: you have a cold case posse?  That's awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha sounds like this guy could use a better way to spend his time. I recommend facebook. ;-)
